Boost signal slot thread safe

By Mark Zuckerberg

c++ - Boost: what exactly is not threadsafe in Boost.Signals ...

Currently I am working on a networking communication project and I am trying to develop it using C++ STL and boost. When developing a multi-thread program, synchronization is an important issue. If your program needs to process streaming packets, then maintaining a queue is a good idea. This is my ... Callbacks in C++ using template functors (1994) | Hacker News Qt's approach requires a separate compilation pass woith a Qt-specific tool named "moc" which declares a bunch of info in the signal class that's necessary for the slot implementation. IMO, the Boost implementation is nicer. It's vanilla C++ (no moc required), is thread safe, and supports some advanced features like "combiners". Signals and slots - Wikipedia Signals and slots is a language construct introduced in Qt for communication between objects ... as libsigc++, sigslot, vdk-signals, nano-signal-slot, neosigslot, Signals, boost.signals2, Synapse, Cpp::Events, Platinum and JBroadcaster. ... C ++: vdk-signals - thread-safe, type-safe, written in C++11 with atomic variables.

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Class connection - 1.46.1 - The signals2::connection class represents a connection between a Signal and a Slot. It is a lightweight object that has the ability to query whether the signal and slot are currently connected, and to disconnect the signal and slot. It is always safe to query or disconnect a connection.

It is thread-safe only when you protect everything with a mutex (which could very ..... Signals. (Both Boost.Thread and. Boost.Signals are not header-only; It would .... HANDLE space_avail; // signaled =at least one slot empty

Threadsafe C++ signals done right : cpp - Indeed. Qt signal/slot are specifically designed to make threads easy. You just write the code with signals and then, depending on the thread where the objects are created at the beginning (or to which thread they are moved), same signals act as direct calls or as message queues. boost的signal和solt机制使用入门 - doon的专栏 - CSDN博客

Simple thread-safe signal/slot C++17 library. Contribute to netromdk/sigs development by creating an account on GitHub.

Indeed. Qt signal/slot are specifically designed to make threads easy. You just write the code with signals and then, depending on the thread where the objects are created at the beginning (or to which thread they are moved), same signals act as direct calls or as message queues.